India india india !!! I didn't want to come and I was not interested at all by this country that I was jugging without knowing it. during my South American trip, I met especially two great persons that told me about India and they made me change my mind on the fact that I should try before jugging and as I was going to south east Asia from Europe, it was on my way there.
So I booked my flight direction Delhi.. I arrived in Delhi really early, around 6am. did my check in and went straight away on the street and my first experience was full. I was staying in a local area, not the posh vibes at all. the first glimpse of this experience was the noise , people are communicating on honking to each others when came the smell... Melange of farm , Curry, bins that are everywhere on the street.. street that was all muddy from the rain the previous day. for me It was leaving my comfort zone even if I am already a bit though. I was looking like an ovine in this world as people stop to look at me and at my tattoos or stopping me to take pictures with them.. at first I was saying no because it was really weird for me.
days passed and after visiting and walking in Delhi in slum, market, posh area also taking a good idea of this city & enjoying real Indian gastronomy, it was time to move to the most beautiful wonder create by human , the Taj Mahal..
Agra is a vibes, the main part of Agra is only tuktuk , no cars allowed. I stayed in a hostel , two walking minutes from the Taj Mahal. I stayed 3 nights in Agra, I went twice to see this beauty. impressive , just speechless when I was front of. early morning for sunrise pics its the best time to visit it and take pictures.
Jaipur, the Pink City of India, lot of things to do in this city, the wind palace, monkeys temple and more, there is few rooftop front of the wind palace, its a plus for sunset and golden hours, just be careful of the friendly monkeys. I stayed in blue beds hostel, it was really nice .
Then Mumbai to finish, it is actually my last day today in India. Mumbai is huge city, more you go south more you will see better infrastructure and money there luxury hotels are, north you can find the largest slum in Asia where slumdog millionaire was filmed . Mumbai is great for street photography. I met a fantastic young photographer , we spend all afternoon together and he explain me is life and culture and it will remains one of my best moment of India..
India, great food , I didn't get the famous Delhi-beli, amazing landscapes, lot of peoples and lot of animals everywhere, its a bit like Narnia's world and yes it is really dirty except South Mumbai where it was kind of clean, great rail system, great service in general.. the smell of curry or spices everywhere is something that I used too.. but the most important things or moment, It was peoples.. the kindness of the peoples are really interacted with, was priceless and at the end this the moment that you remember the most.
I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to come back in India, but I definitely recommended it..