My passion for travelling began with my paternal grand parents that travelled the world and showed us pictures   and explained us their adventures and then with my dad when I was young. He made me discover United States and           give me this taste of seeing the world.
9 years ago, I decided to move aboard to London. The best decision I ever made.                                                                                                                                            Now it is time for me to move again and discover some new fascinating places.
Passionate about Photography & Videography, I decide to change my lifestyle from working as manager in luxury     high end establishments in Big city like London to go travelling different countries and continents.
I am always excited when projects allow me to meet new people & travel to new places.
I hope you will enjoy this travel as much as I do and do not hesitate if you have some enquiries….                    

I am a French Photographer

currently travelling the world & working

with different businesses.

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